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Beginner => Competent => Proficient



The life cycle of a given idea is usually pretty short. At least mine are. Primarily because, up until now, the only method I had to capture and save them was a rarely revisited OmniFocus view. Outside of that, I’ve had nothing in place to capture, save, and review them.

I want to change that. I am going to try to use this entry as a way to track ideas, from formulation to execution. I also plan to explore some of the different subject areas that I find interesting and any associated resources that I come across.

For example, I mentioned elsewhere that I write a lot. Which means I have a lot of text files laying around. I’d like to build a command line app to search, parse, and analyze those files. I think it’d be a fun and useful learning experience.

Update 20140724

I have an existing Sinatra based app that I’d like to add some functionality to. Mainly user authentication. That’s the first step, anyway.

I’d like to create a reminder app that will check the status of a service and, given a certain parameter, send off a text or other alert. For example, if I haven’t posted a new entry to 750words by 11:00pm, it would let me know.