July 29, 2014I’m actively working to identify gaps in my current understanding of how the development process works, what it’s comprised of, the component parts, and how they fit together. It’s not easy, though, figuring out what it is that you don’t know. My plan was to start with mapping out what I do know and the degree to which I feel I know it, and then move out from there. Eventually getting to the point where I’m barely aware of, in the broadest sense, a specific topic or idea or concept, but know little more that its name, if even that. Once I’m able to do that, find that edge, I can strike off in another direction. If I repeat this process enough, I’ll get to the point where I have a nice list or group of concepts that I know nothing about and can then shift my focus to correcting those deficiencies.
That’s the plan, anyway.
Like I said, it’s not easy trying to figure out what it is that you don’t know. But doing so is the first step. The first of many.
So this, like the post below, is an entry that I hope to update periodically. I’ll add the things that I feel comfortable with and those that I don’t. I might even expand it to include the steps that I’m taking or plan to take to actually fill in some of the gaps. We’ll see. For now, I just wanted to start this post. I hope to spend some time tomorrow and then subsequent days working on this project.
I’m in the process of recording a bunch of screen casts, reviews basically, of exercises that I’ve already gone thorough. I feel like the two are complementary in nature and have no doubt that be working through this material, I’ll come across areas that I’m not terribly comfortable with. Which will be quite obvious, as I stumble and stammer my way through an explanation. It should be entertaining if nothing else.