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GitHub Challenge

GitHub Challenge

Building new skills is important, as is maintaining or refining existing ones. It’s something that I’ve been doing for quite a while now. It’s challenging, though, for all sorts of reasons. Deciding what to learn can be difficult. Finding the time to learn can be difficult. Staying motivated can be difficult. I run into all these issues at various times which is why for the next thirty days, I’m joined a group that is committed to learning something every day for the next month. Not only that, we’ll be coding and committing that work to GitHub every day. Hopefully. That’s the plan anyway.

I’ve decided to spend the next month working with JavaScript and a bit of HTML and CSS. I feel like reviewing some of is considered the basics of web development will be a good place to start. I plan to review the two Shay Howe books as well as Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke. I’ll likely branch out into other things, too, but that’s where I want to start.

We’ll see how it goes.